Krampuslauf (Running of the Krampi) at #CDM2024

BySuzanne Hull

Krampuslauf (Running of the Krampi) at #CDM2024

Krampi handlers and those participating in costume are asked to reserve a free ticket.

Help us celebrate Krampusnacht (Krampus Night, traditionally observed on December 5) a few days early with a Krampus parade at Christkindlmarket Des Moines on Saturday, December 7 starting at 6:30pm

A Krampuslauf (Running of the Krampuses) is a fun run or walk of celebrants dressed as the wicked beast. Dust off your Krampus costume and parade through the festival grounds. Led by Saint Nicholas and your handlers, take a turn through the Christkindlmarket Des Moines venue portraying traditional (and family-friendly) Krampi.

Where the parade takes you after Christkindlmarket Des Moines is up to you and your handlers. But do let the merriment continue!

Who is Krampus?

Hear the proper pronunciation: Krampus is pronounced “krohm-poo-s” as in “con & puss,” NOT “kram-puh-s” as in “campus.

Krampus | Wikipedia

• Video: Top 5 Krampus Facts and Origin

• Video: Krampus parade in Hollabrunn, Austria

• Video: Who Is Krampus? | National Geographic

Don’t have a Krampus costume? Here are a few resources:

• Amazon:

About the author

Suzanne Hull administrator